Watertown Patch – Watertown Joins MBTA Youth Pass Program

This article originally appeared in the Watertown Patch on Jan. 9, 2020
By Samantha Mercardo
WATERTOWN, MA — Watertown is making an effort to help youth get around town and into the city a bit easier and more affordable. The town announced on Thursday it joined the T’s Youth Pass program, which helps provide affordable transit access for low-income young people. Youth Passes are being distributed from the Wayside Watertown Multi-Service Center, which is part of the Wayside Youth & Family Support Network.
“It’s a win-win for the Town,” said Watertown Assistant Town Manager Steve Magoon. “We thank our partners, the MBTA and Wayside, for helping the Town get this program established and under way.”
Distributed through municipal and community partners, the Youth Pass is a card that can be used at MBTA Fare Vending Machines or at retail sales locations to purchase a reduced fare Monthly LinkPass for $30. Stored value can also be added to cards for Youth Pass users to ride the MBTA bus and subway system at a reduced one-way fare.
Young people in Watertown interested in applying for the reduced fare Youth Pass should visit the Wayside Watertown Multi-Service Center located at 127 North Beacon Street in Watertown.
In order to qualify for the Youth Pass, a young person must live in Watertown and either:
- Be between 12 and 18 years old and not enrolled in middle or high school (students enrolled in middle or high school may receive a Student CharlieCard through their school);
- Be between 18 and 25 years old and enrolled in at least one of the following accepted programs (college and university students may be eligible for Semester Passes):
- Alternative education program (e.g., GED, HiSET);
- Job training or professional development program (e.g., Year Up, Roca);
- State or federal benefit program (e.g., MassHealth, SNAP).