ShortStop Program Director Wins the Grand Prize

By Liam Haley, intern
Antwan Steed, program director of Wayside Youth & Family Support Network’s Shortstop program in Somerville, is doing something that will make any New Englander jealous this time of year – he’s traveling to sunny Jamaica later this month. Here’s the clincher: it’s completely free thanks to one very lucky raffle ticket.
Every year Steed, who is unassuming and not one to seek the spotlight, sells raffle tickets to raise money for Wayside’s largest fundraiser, the 5K4Kids. The ticket sales turn into a competition of sorts between Wayside employees for who can sell the most tickets. And every year, Wayside staff and 5K4Kids participants anxiously await the Grand Prize drawing for the coveted $5KGetaway – a $5,000 vacation to the destination of the winner’s choice.
This is Steed’s first time winning the raffle since joining the ShortStop program 15 years ago. ShortStop supports young adults age 18-22 who are homeless by helping them develop life skills so that they can transition to independent living. ShortStop staff connect young adults to resources while also mentoring and helping them develop life skills to thrive in the community. Steed said he’s motivated by witnessing the young adults who come to the program achieve their goals, like Rolando Rojas, who came to ShortStop after arriving in the United States and is now attending college and working to set up a charity to purchase school supplies in the his hometown back in Guatemala.
“Being able to connect with the young adults when they enter the program, hearing their goals for personal and independent development, while also being a part of the transformation process into self-sufficient, independent adults, remains the most gratifying part of being a part of ShortStop,” said Steed.
Naturally, when he received a call from his supervisor, Betsy Reid, on a Saturday in October, the $5KGetaway was the last thing on his mind. Reid rarely calls Steed during non-work hours which made the call even more surprising.
“After pulling Antwan’s name, Betsy and I immediately called him,” said Sara McCabe, Wayside’s vice president of campus services. “Antwan was speechless and asked us if we were telling the him the truth. Once he realized we were serious and he had really won, he was thrilled!”
There are raffle kick-off events and competitions between Wayside program staff for who can sell the most raffle tickets leading up to the 5K4Kids. The raffle tickets are a big deal – last year Wayside staff, their families and volunteers helped to sell over 2,800 tickets which contributed to the more than $100,000 raised.
Funds raised as a result of the 5K4Kids are distributed back to program staff who use the money to pay for “extras” that kids in Wayside’s programs often go without – clothing, art supplies, family meals, extracurricular activities and holiday gifts. Putting a smile on just one young person’s face makes it all worth it.
“Being able to connect with the young adults when they enter the program, hearing their goals for personal and independent development, while also being a part of the transformation process into self-sufficient, independent adults remains the most gratifying part of being a part of ShortStop,” said Steed.
For more information about the 5K4Kids visit our website and read about how our staff use the funds to make a difference.