One Anti-Racist Action You Can Take Today: Start With Small Steps

By Guimel DeCarvalho
Vice President of People & Culture
Throughout the last six months we have shared with you 143 anti-racist actions you can take. Which ones have you taken? Given the events of last week, it can feel overwhelming and leave you not knowing what to do. That same feeling has been expressed to me in every setting I have shared Wayside’s anti-racist journey. Each time I respond with “just start.” The first step doesn’t have to be the biggest one, but it helps to just start. Below I share with you an article sent to me by Waltham Clinical Director Marcy West. She shares the example of several of the Grammy nominees for Best Children’s Album declining their nominations because of being in an all-white category. To the right is the full list of anti-racist actions we have shared. Look over the 143 and choose one to start with if you haven’t already.