One Anti-Racist Action You Can Take Today: Reflections on MLK Day

By Molly Fadden,
Department of People and Culture intern
Today we celebrated civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. by paying tribute to his life and legacy. This year many traditional MLK Day events were held virtually, allowing us to reflect on Dr. King’s words and actions while safely social distancing. Below is an article written by our intern, Molly Fadden, on her reflections and what she MLK Day. To quote Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. “life’s most persistent and urgent question is ‘what are you doing for others?'”
This year was filled with issues of racial justice, exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic and shifts in governmental powers. Reading “Letter from Birmingham Jail” in 2021, certain themes seem relevant in modern day America. In his letter, King warns us about the role of the “white moderate,” a mostly well-meaning white person who does not actively act in an anti-racist way. He also warns against viewing protesters as “rabble-rousing outside agitators,” which can discredit protesters who are expressing valid criticisms as well as diverting attention from the actual messages of the protests. With a disproportionate number of Black Americans in the prison system or living below the poverty line, it is more important than ever to take anti-racist actions. Another way to make an impact is by having tough conversations with about race and racism with those around you and noticing and mentioning racism where you see it.
In Dexter Scott King’s message to the community for The King Center’s “Beloved Community Commemorative Service” being held virtually today he wrote that…
“my father challenged all of us to disagree without being disagreeable regardless of one’s political affiliations or or socioeconomic status because “love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.”
To read more about Dr. Martin Luther King,Jr.’s vision for a Beloved Community and why the theme and call to action of this year’s observance commemorating Dr. King’s birthday was called “The Urgency of Creating the Beloved Community!” visit The King Center.
Answer life’s most persistent and urgent question, “What are you doing for others?” by serving your community beyond MLK Day.