One Anti-Racist Action You Can Take Today: Appreciate Black Ingenuity

By Diana Duqette
Family Support Specialist
Black innovators are responsible for inventions that have changed our daily lives, including the way we eat, prepare and store food.
In fact, food is such an important part of our existence that I’m willing to bet that many of you don’t realize that ways that Black inventors have contributed to our food culture. To commemorate Black History Month lets pay tribute to some of the African Americans in history who have made huge contributions to the way we prepare and eat food all over the United States.
You can thank George Crum for inventing the potato chip in 1853, John Standard for inventing the refrigerator in 1891 and Alfred Craelle for creating the ice cream scoop! Can you imagine life without any of these items?
Learn about more Black inventors here:
16 Black Innovators Who Changed Food Forever
8 Black Inventors Who Made Daily Life Easier
Resources for kids:
Kids National Geographic – Black Inventors and Pioneers of Science
Parents Magazine – 8 World-Changing Black Inventors Every Kid Should Know About