Watertown Community Foundation awards spring grants

Published in the Watertown Tab on June 29, 2021
The Watertown Community Foundation recently awarded grants totaling $129,500 to initiatives in two categories.
WCF’s Program Grants awards grants designed to help organizations that serve Watertown develop new or continue existing programs with an educational focus (broadly defined). These are programs that operate outside of the Watertown’s public schools.
WCF’s Institutional Grants are designed to help institutions central to the Watertown community by providing funds to maintain critical programming and retain paid staff. Grants under this program impose neither restrictions on the use of funds nor any program requirements.
Eligible organizations apply for a maximum of $5,000 for program grants and a maximum of $7,500 for Institutional grants. The grants are funded by the foundation’s Watertown Arsenal Education Fund.
“WCF received a record number of applications, and we are delighted to more than double our spring grant awards to the largest amount given to date,” WCF Grants Chairwoman Mary Ann Mulligan said. “It has been the most challenging year for so many of our community-based organizations and we hope this increased grant funding will help them restore and even expand the vital services, supports and innovative programs they provide to the Watertown community.”
From dance classes for special needs students to stress reduction workshops, planting pollinator gardens to an outdoor arts market, this year’s Program Grants cover a wide array of projects that encompass all ages and abilities.
Complete list of Program and Institutional Support Grants
Springwell: In support of operating and programming needs to aid in safely delivering food and in-home services to low-income seniors in Watertown.
Watertown Boys and Girls Club: Support rehiring furloughed part time staff, rebuild programs, regain membership, and purchase PPE and healthy snacks for youth and teens.
Metro West Collaborative Development: Support Emergency Rent Assistance and housing counseling while continuing to explore affordable housing development opportunities.
New Repertory Theatre: Support general operating budget including staffing, payment to hire artists, monthly bills and rental space and ongoing and additional racial equity initiatives.
Wayside Youth & Family Support Network: In support of operating needs including direct programming costs, office supplies, office operation, and administrative staffing to continue and enhance youth wellness initiatives focused on mental health, substance use prevention, and racial and gender equity.
The Dorothy and Charles Mosesian Center for the Arts: Contribute to bringing back staff including assistance and support for the Education, Development and Communications Departments, and a person to lead our Visual Arts programming.
Friends of Project Literacy: Support Saturday Class for Beginners, Summer class for Watertown Public Schools Parents, and enhance support for volunteer tutors and instructors.
Perkins School for the Blind: Provide Watertown residents who have visual impairments and other print-disabilities with weekly access to the Watertown Tab in an accessible format through the Perkins Library through Newsline.
Armenian Museum of America: Support general operations and a full-time staff of six to re-open to the public in summer 2021, and currently offer a series of four different virtual programs.
ParentChildPlus: Support extending the reach of early learning, parent support program to additional families that will include receiving two early learning, parent support visits.
Aspergers/Autism Network: AANE Artist Collaborative Virtual Gallery
Charles River Conservancy: Conservancy Volunteer Program — River Clean Up
Charles River Watershed: The Water in Watertown — Charles River
Coordinated Family and Community Engagement (CFCE): Early Childhood Programming
Dancing Feet: Free Dance Classes for ages 4-6 and 7-12 and Dance Classes for Special Needs Children
Kingian Response Team: Kingian Nonviolence Training
World in Watertown: Unity Breakfast
New Repertory Theatre: Outdoor Theatre Production — Listen to Sipu
Watertown for Justice Peace and Environment: Race Reels Monthly Films
Quilters Connection: Community Quilting
Friends of Mount Auburn Cemetery: Citizen Science Naturalist Urban Ecology Program
Operation American Soldier: Preparing Care Packages for American Troops
Wayside Youth & Family Support Network: Mental Health/Stress Reduction Community Workshops
Watertown Arts Market: Outdoor Market to promote Watertown arts and culture
Yard Art: Townwide outdoor art exhibit
Town of Watertown/Farmers Market: Supplemental Nutrition Program SNAP Match
Watertown Community Gardens: Pollinator Gardens
For information, visit http://watertownfoundation.org. For questions, contact Jan Singer at jan.singer@watertownfoundation.org.