One Antiracist Action You Can Take Today:Support Microgrants For Families Fleeing States With Anti-LGBTQ+ Laws

With over 400 anti-LGBTQ bills being proposed across the U.S. in this legislative session and with many states already passing them into law, families with LGBTQ+ kids are fleeing from their homes and moving out of states like Florida and Texas. Not all are able to afford to and so organizations like Trans Youth Equality Foundation have begun to provide microgrants to help with moving expenses. Learn more about the bills being proposed, including two amendments to the Healthy Youth Act in Massachussets, and lobby your legislators to stop them. Then support organizations like Trans Youth Equality Foundation to provide more microgrants.
Trans Youth Equality Foundation
The Trans Youth Equality Foundation is a national 501(c)(3) non profit foundation that advocates for transgender, gender non-conforming, and intersex youth ages 2–18.
As conservative states target trans rights, a Florida teen flees for a better life
High school sophomore Josie felt Florida officials were threatening her health care and ability to be feel safe at school. So she left. Other families of trans youth are plotting their exits as well.
Families fleeing Florida, Texas amid anti-LGBTQ legislation, nonprofit head says
Families fleeing states passing anti-LGBTQ legislation can get microgrants from one nonprofit, whose leader said people are “leaving everything they know and almost in a dark-of-night situation.”
Click below to find the anti-LGBTQ bills across the U.S.
Including in Massachusetts with
anti-LGBTQ Bill H. 509
SECTION 1. Section 32A of chapter 71 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2020 Official Edition, is hereby amended by striking out the section in its entirety and inserting in place thereof the following section:-
Section 32A. Every city, town, regional school district, or vocational school district implementing or maintaining a curriculum, or a school-sanctioned program or activity, which primarily involves human sexual education, human sexuality issues, or sexual orientation issues shall adopt a written policy ensuring parental or legal guardian notification.
Such curriculum programs and activities, which primarily involve human sexual education, human sexuality issues, or sexual orientation, shall be offered only in clearly identified non-mandatory elective courses in which parents or guardians may choose to enroll their children through written notification to the school, in a manner reasonably similar to other elective courses offered by the school district.
To the extent practicable, instruction materials and related items for said curriculum, programs, and activities shall be made reasonably accessible to parents, guardians, educators, school administrators, and others for inspection and review.
No public school teacher or administrator shall be required to participate in any such curriculum program and activities which primarily involves human sexual education, human sexuality issues, or sexual orientation issues that violate his or her religious beliefs.
Families worried about bills that threaten transgender rights, like SB 254, are making the difficult decision to move.